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It’s been a while since I’ve felt like this. I don’t mean sober or heedful or swole (what an odd word) or any of my other New Year’s resolutions. I think I’m … hang on while I do a shoulder check … caught up.

My ongoing projects are off my desk. Oh, they’ll all be back, but for now Earnest Erin (editor), Sunny Sam (editor), and Klutzy Kevin (collaborator) are dealing with my literary output.

There is stuff I could do: a couple of shelved projects deserve a fresh look; a couple of new ones might be worked up. And of course there’s all the social media and career building I could pretend to care about.

But nothing is pressing. No deadlines. As far as I can tell, I am not letting anyone down. When, in that long walk through a dark wood, you find yourself in a sunlit glade, you want to take a moment to appreciate your surroundings before soldiering on.  This morning I’ll put on another pot of coffee, open a detective novel, and take a deep breath.

Then I’ll go to the gym and get swole.


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